User Manual Sap Budget

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User Manual Sap Budget

Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 1 of 213 V1.0 Sep 2016 English End User Documentation - PS (ECC 6.0). Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 2 of 213 Content. Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 3 of 213.

Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 4 of 213 Sequential operation of Project System (PS) module I Creation of Investment Program a) Create Investment Program - Transaction Code: IM01 As soon as the Financial Year Starts the Investment Program Creation needs to be done by the authorized person. The Following things are mentioned in the Investment Program 1. Investment Program 2. Approval Year 3. Program Type 4. Fiscal Year Variant 5. Currency With this information the Investment Program is saved and the same is informed to Projects Department over phone and SAP Mail.

The authorized person in SAP does this step. B) Create Investment Program Top Position - Transaction Code: IM11 After Creating the Investment Program the Top Company Level position is created for the Investment Program. The Following things are mentioned in the Investment Program Top Position 1. Investment Program 2. Position ID 3. Approval Year The authorized person in SAP does this step.

C) Create Investment Program Structure - Transaction Code: IM22 After Creating the Investment Program the Top Company Level position is created for the Investment Program the Investment Program Structure is created. The Following things are mentioned in the Investment Program Top Position 1. Investment Program 2.

Position ID (Optional) 3. Approval Year. Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 5 of 213 II Maintaining Budget for Investment Program a) Edit Original Budget - Transaction Code: IM32 After Creating the Investment Program Structure the Budget is maintained for the created Investment Structure.

This can be maintained whenever the New appropriation request is assigned to the Position Ids. The Following things are mentioned in the Edit Original Budget 1.

Investment Program 2. Position ID (Optional) 3. Approval Year This step is done by the authorized person in SAP. Appropriation Request a) Create Appropriation Request – Transaction Code: IMA11 After getting the Feasibility Study for scaling up the Process in the Production Level. The authorized person in SAP creates the appropriation request.

The Following things are mentioned in the Appropriation Request 1. Appropriation Request Type 2. Controlling Area after this in General Data 3. Appropriation Request 4. Description 5.

Approval Year 6. Planned Approval Date 7. Implementation Start 8. Person Involved for Approval User ID needs to be selected Level wise.

In Control Data 9. Investment Program /Year 10. Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 6 of 213 In Organizational Units 1. Requesting Company code 2. Requesting Business Area 3.

Requesting Cost Center 4. Requesting Profit Center 5.

Requesting Company 6. Object Class 7. Responsible Cost Center 9. Responsible Profit Center 10. Currency In Variants Tab General Data 1.

Completion Date – Approximate date of Project completion date. Select Plan Values Tab Click on “Create Cost Estimate” Button below the screen. A new screen is opened where you need to click the button “Show/Hide Item View”. It would show a table where we need to feed in the values. The values to be fed are  Item Category o M for Material o V for other costs like manpower, QC etc. The cost element for V should be 7100150  Resource is where we select the RM name. The master would be entered by the Purchase person.

This is not required for RM. Enter Quantity & hit enter.  For V change the description to suit us.

 After completion of the entry, click confirm to record those values by SAP which would appear on the left hand side of the screen. Rows can be added, inserted, deleted accordingly. Filled values are shown below.  Go Back or press F3. The total budget for the year 2007 (as the investment planned is for 2007) would appear as shown below.

Save the Appropriation request. Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 7 of 213 Note: We would define the cost for 1 year and if the project spills over to the next year the remaining budget would also spill over. After mentioning all the required entries when the user saves the appropriation request as per the configuration the Appropriation request will go for approval process as SAP Workflow (predefined Process). The documents are uploaded through Document Management system as well as it can be uploaded in Change mode of Appropriation request by selecting the Service for Object  Create Attachment. B) Approve Appropriation Request – Transaction Code: IMA12/SBWP When the approving authority opens their SAP Mail Box through the transaction code SBWP the system will show all the Workflow process to be executed by him. He has to select the required appropriation request and Click on “Approve” button, if he wants to see the attachment.

He can see the same in display mode of Appropriation request by selecting the Service for Object  View Attachment or in the Document Tab. The authorized person in SAP does this step.

C) Activate & Release Appropriation Request – Transaction Code: IMA12 After approval the Appropriation request needs to be activated and released. This will be done by the authorized person in the Measures/Assets Tab of the Appropriation request in change mode of Appropriation request transaction. Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 8 of 213 IV. Budget Distribution a) Distribute Budget for Project Definition – Transaction Code: IM52 After activating the Appropriation Request (Project Definition). The Following things are mentioned in the Distribute Budget 1. Investment Program 2. Position ID (Optional) 3.

Approval Year The Overall as well as Yearwise Budget has to be updated. This step is done by the authorized person in SAP. Creation of Project Structure a) Change Project – Transaction Code: CJ02 After updating the Budget for the Appropriation Request (Project Definition). The Following things are mentioned in the Change Project transactions. The authorized person in SAP does this step.

In the Project Definition Header the Following things are mentioned 1. Person Responsible 2. Start Date and End date of Project will be defaulted from the Appropriation Request. Company code 4. Business Area 5. Profit Center Partner Tab 1.

Sold to Party. In the WBS element Overview the Basic Data tab the following things are mentioned. Level Number 2. Description 3. Upto Level 3 WBS elements are Created with Planning Element (if the level is below 4).

In Responsibilties Tab 4. Requesting Cost Center needs to be filled. Which will automatically copy the Controlling Area (CA) and Requesting Company Code.

If required Responsible Cost Center field will be filled. Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 9 of 213 V. Cost Planning for Project Definition a) Manual Cost Planning for Project – Transaction Code: CJ40 After updating the budget for the Top-level Project Definition the Lower Level (Level 3) the Overall as well as Year-wise planned cost has to be updated. The authorized person does this step. Budget Updation for Project Definition (Level –3) a) Manual Budget Updation for Project – Transaction Code: CJ30 After manual Cost Planning for the Lower Level (level 3) WBS Elements the budget for the Lower Level (Level 3) the Overall as well as Year-wise planned cost has to be updated.

The authorized person does this step. Creation of Network a) Create Network for Project – Transaction Code: CN21 In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned Network Profile Network Type Plant MRP Controller In the Network Header the following things are mentioned. Network Description In Assignment Tab Select the Project Definition, which will copy the Start Date and End Date of the Project if it’s maintained in the Project Definition.

These dates are considered for individual activities in the Network. The Network activities are linked with relationship and these network activities will be scheduled. The Milestones or Milestone Groups are also used with the activities. A network can represent the sequence of activities in a project or the sequence of a single activity within a project. You can graphically display various structural elements of a project and their interdependencies in the Project System. During the life of a project, networks are used as a basis for planning, analyzing, controlling and monitoring schedules, dates, and resources.(such as personnel, machines, PRTs, materials, documents, and drawings).

Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 10 of 213 These activities are three types 1. Internal Activities, 2.

External Activities, 3. Primary Cost Activities.

Internal Activities: Using internally processed activities you determine the amount of Work produced by machines or persons, and use this information in resource planning to plan the capacity requirement. External Activities: Using external processing you determine which services are required from other companies to carry out the project. The development of external processing occurs through purchasing. Primary Cost Activities: Using general costs activity you plan primary costs, for example, travel costs. Creation of Lower Level (Level – 4) WBS & Release of Project a) Create Lower Level WBS (Level 4) & Release Project – Transaction Code: CJ02 In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned Project Definition In the WBS element Overview the Basic Data tab the following things are mentioned.

1.Level Number (level – 4) 2. Description 3 Planning Element (Tick) 4. Account Assignment Element (Tick). In Responsibilties Tab 5.

Sap User Guide Pdf

Requesting Cost Center needs to be filled. Which will automatically copy the Controlling Area (CA) and Requesting Company Code. If required Responsible Cost Center field will be filled. Select EditStatus  Release. The authorized person does this step.

Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 11 of 213 V. Creation of Purchase Requisition for Materials a) Create Purchase Requisition – Transaction Code: ME51/ME51N.


In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned Account Assignment Category ”Q” Delivery Date Plant Purchasing Group Req. Tracking Number Requisitioner In the Purchase requisition Item overview screen Material Number Qty. Required Val.Type WBS Element The Purchase requisition will be saved and will be released by the approving authorities.

The authorized person does this step. Creation of Purchase Order for Materials a) Create Purchase Order – Transaction Code: ME21/ME21N. In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned - Header Vendor Purchasing Organization Payment Term GR Message (Tick) Net Price In Item Tax code wil be selected (if any) Select the PR and Adopt the PR. The Purchase order will be saved and will be released by the approving authorities. The authorized person does this step.

Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 12 of 213 VII. Create & Post Vendor Down Payment Request a) Create Down Payment Request – Transaction Code: F-47. After creating the Purchase order the Down Payment (Advance) to the vendor is raised. The authorized person does this step.

In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned - Header Document Date Company Code Currency Reference & Doc. Header Text Vendor Account No. Spl.GL indicator In Detail Amount, Business Area, Due On, Purchase Order No./ Item.

The down payment request will be saved. B) Post out Going Payment– Transaction Code: F-48/F-53.

After creating the Down Payment request, the Down Payment request (Advance) will be called and payment will be posted. The authorized person does this step. Goods receipts for Purchase Order a) Create Goods Receipts – Transaction Code: MIGO. After the Purchase order is approved the material will be received by stores at Site. The authorized person does this step. In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned – Header Purchase Order Number Movement Type Delivery Note, Header Text Quantity, Storage Location, No.of Container, etc., The goods receipts document will be posted.

Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 13 of 213 IX. Enter Invoice a) Enter Invoice – Transaction Code: MIRO. After the material will be received by stores at Site. The authorized person does this step.

In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned – Header Invoice Date Reference Amount If tax is there (tick) on check box (calculate Tax) Purchase Order number. After simulation the invoice Verfication document will be posted. External Processing Activites: for Services a) Change Network – Transaction Code: CN22. In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned – Header Network Number In activities overview In Ext. Processing Tick on Service Description, Purch.Org., Material Group,Vendor,Pur.Grp,Outline Agreement,Line No.Requisitioner, Req.tracking No,WBS element. Service Number, Quantity.

Prerequisite: The Project Definition System Status should be in ’REL –Released“ mode. Select the Activity and Press Edit  Status  Release. Which will create a Purchase requisition for services with reference to the outline agreement entered. Purchase Order (Service PO ) will be created for the purchase requisition. When the order released for work, one PR for the services are generated. The PO will be released by the Purchase Department. The PO Copy is given to the Contractor by the Projects department.

On completion of the work, contractor brings the Joint Measurement Sheet / Bill along with the PO reference. Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 14 of 213 b) Create Service Entry – Transaction Code: ML81N. In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned – Header Purchase Order Number When the Contractor brings the Joint Measurement Sheet / Bill for the certification, the quantity entered in the JMC/Bill is verified by the Shift Engineer and the same quantity is certified in the Service Entry Sheet. This is subject to Release Procedure (Certification by Higher Official). On Certification the Project gets the Cost of the Services performed.

C) Enter Invoice – Transaction Code: MIRO. After the service confirmation is released. The authorized person does this step.

In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned – Header Invoice Date Reference Amount If tax is there (tick) on check box (calculate Tax) Purchase Order number. After simulation the invoice Verfication document will be posted. Create Reservation a) Create Reservation – Transaction Code: MB21. The stocks are maintained as Special Stocks against the WBS elements.

The reservations are created against WBS elements. This reservation can be done in Automatically while running MRP for Projects. In the initial Screen the Following things are mentioned – Header Base date (When the material is required) Movement type Plant In Create Reservation Screen WBS elements, Material Code, Quantity, Batch Number, Goods recipient. The reservation is created. Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 15 of 213 XI. Goods Issue a) Create Goods Issue – Transaction Code: MIGO/MB1A.

When the Stores person saw the reservations pending for issues on that day he has to post the goods issue against the reservations. Creation needs to be done by the authorized person. The Following things are mentioned in the goods issue.

Reservation number Quantity Material Slip. Document header text. No.of Container. The Goods Issue document will be posted.

Create Confirmations a) Create Confirmations – Transaction Code: CN25/CN27. When the activities are completed, that needs to be confirmed by the users. The authorized person will do the confirmation. The Following things are mentioned in the goods issue.

Network number Activity number Work Center, Description, Actual finish Date. If the work is fully completed then Final Comp.

Otherwise completion indicator (tick). Vendor Payment a) Post Outgoing Payments – Transaction Code: F-58. After Invoice is verified the payment to the vendor needs to be posted. The authorized person will do the outgoing payment.

The Following things are mentioned in the outgoing payment. Solution/ Release: ECC 6.0 Page 16 of 213 XIV. Project Settlement Rule Creation In this step the Settlement Rule will be created for the Project. The following fields needs to be filled. Project Definition or WBS element or Network Settlement Period Fiscal year With Hierarchy Test Run Detail List XV. Project Settlement a) Actual Settlement – Transaction Code: CJ88/CJ8G.

This settlement will be run after the System Status for the Project is set to “TECO” Technically Completed. The authorized person will do the actual settlement. The Following things are mentioned in the actual settlement. Project Definition With Hierarchy (tick) With Order (tick) Settlement Period Fiscal Year Test run Detail List Check. The actual consumption against the Project/ Network will be settled to the WBS elements. From here it will be settled to the PSG – Profitability Segments which is specified. Project Closure a) Change Network – Transaction Code: CN22. Select all the Activities in the Network and select Edit Status  Close. B) Change Project – Transaction Code: CJ02.

Select all the WBS elements in the Project Definition and select Edit Status  Close.