Manual Auto Mazda Demio

Posted By admin On 25.12.19
Manual Auto Mazda Demio Average ratng: 5,6/10 5377 reviews

Manual Auto Mazda Demio 2012

AutoManual Auto Mazda Demio

Hi there, We are having to replace my wife's car. We are currently looking at post 2008 Mazda Demio's and want a manual transmission so our children can learn to drive in a manual. One dealer we spoke to said manual transmissions/clutches from Japanese imports tend to be in poor condition, due to large amounts of city driving, and should be avoided. Is this accurate and would an AA inspection be able to determine the condition of the clutch?

Manual Auto Mazda Demio 2009

Is there some sort of mechanical insurance that can be applied? Thanks - Matthew. Hi there, I would agree with this observation in principle, even though I have not heard of specific examples. There is not much demand for a manual vehicle and so most would buy NZ new. Driving a manual vehicle in Japan would be very similar to driving the same in central Auckland, a lot of stop start traffic driving which could wear a clutch out significantly. If the clutch release was very high before engagement, this should be mentioned in an inspection, and that it would need further investigation in the clutch area. As the clutch is a wear and tear item (like brake pads), it would not be covered by a mechanical policy if it wore out.

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