Bump Key Manual

Posted By admin On 29.12.19
Bump Key Manual Average ratng: 6,5/10 9223 reviews

Bump keys, like lock picks, are a tool locksmiths use to open a lock without a key. To use a bump key, a locksmith inserts a bump key into a lock, pulls the bump key out by the length of one pin and then strikes the base of the key with a bump hammer while maintaining rotational pressure on the key. Just like lock picking, the bumping action lift all the locks driver pins above the shear line allowing a locksmith to turn the lock open. clear Deviant’s lock diagrams and animations by is licensed under a. Based on a work.

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Bump Key Manual Treadmill


How does lock bumping work? Lock bumping works much in the same manner as other lock picking techniques. Most cylinder locks are comprised of a cylinder (or plug), upper and lower pins of varying length, and small springs. The trick is to get the upper pins to rest on what is called the 'shear line', which allows the plug to turn and the lock to open. By 'bumping' a key into the cylinder, kinetic energy is transferred towards the upper and lower pins, causing them to separate, and the plug is allowed to turn.