Ford 420 Industrial Manual

Posted By admin On 18.12.19
Ford 420 Industrial Manual Average ratng: 9,4/10 6020 reviews
  1. 420 Ford Backhoe

Ford 231 335 420 515 531 532 535 — 80 Pages TABLE OF CONTENTS: Safety Precautions Controls and Instruments. seat, light, and engine controls. brake controls. manual shift and power reversing transmission and P.T.O. Controls. hydraulic lift system controls Operation.

420 Ford Backhoe

break-in procedures. starting the engine. stopping the engine. operating manual shift and power reversing transmission and P.T.O.

1978 ford 420 industrial tractor

towing the tractor. operating differential lock. operating hydraulic lift system. lift linkage and drawbar. wheel tread settings. tractor weighting Lubrication and Maintenance.

lubrication and maintenance chart. fuels and lubricants. fuel and lubricant service procedures.

general maintenance. tractor storage. accessories Specifications.